Corporate Finance Services

Elerman Advisory

Company Share Valuation

By using the valuation methods in the International Valuation Standards, we prepare share valuation reports by applying multiple company valuation methods. As part of our valuation services; we demonstrate the impact of the value drivers of the company on the total value of the company, and we calculate and comment on the share value that we have arrived at based on the various methods we have applied including the fair value of the company’s equity.

Financial Due Diligence

We prepare financial due diligence reports for shareholders that are in the process of buying or selling their companies,

The scope of financial due diligence reports, is to examine the operational and financial performances of companies as well as investigating the financial viability of assets and the nature of liabilities. The scope of any financial due diligence report may vary on depending on the inherent specifications of the company as well as the nature of the industry.

Our financial due diligence and audit experience in a wide range of industries such as automotive, textile, retail, local and international construction, cement production, IT, tourism, port management and maritime companies gives us the opportunity to offer the wealth of experience we have developed over the years to our clients.

How Financial Due Diligence Reports Differ from Audit Reports

Financial Due Diligence Reports are usually perceived as audit reports incorrectly; however they are distinctly different from audit reports as they do not comment on the fairness of financial statements. Instead, they are investigative reports entailing detailed analysis of revenue and cost of sales of the target company based on its products, sales channels, customers, regional performances, etc.

Similarly; Financial Due Diligence Reports involve in depth investigation of the statement of financial position items as well as the working capital components such as trade receivables, trade payables and stock. Financial due diligence exercises generally involve testing the fair value of assets and liabilities.

They also involve analysis of target company’s financial ratios such as operating profitability, financial indebtedness, etc. However; the scope of a financial due diligence as described above does not represent assurance services as they do not entail verification of assets and liabilities and income statement items.

Financial Due Diligence Reports are designed to suit the requirements of clients and therefore their scope and format are never the same.